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2 Jan

Five Resume Essentials For A Career In Biotech

Resume Essentials For A Career In Biotech

In order to land a coveted position in the field of biotechnology, you need to have a stellar resume. Your resume needs to display your academic background, your technical knowledge, your ability to problem-solve, build relationships and work well with others. It’s these transferable skills that will showcase how perfect of a candidate you are for the job.

There are five resume essentials that you need to score a job in biotech:

  1. Teamwork and conflict resolution skills

    The field of biotech involves collaborations. In order to work well with others, you need to possess conflict resolutions skills. Not everyone will agree all the time, so arguments and debates will arise. You need to show on your resume that you are able to work well in a group environment. If you’ve had lab experience or collaborated on research with others then ensure that this is prominent on your resume.

  2. Relationship building

    In the same vein as teamwork, you need to be able to build relationships. How you interact with others, communicate with colleagues and share responsibilities shows your level of emotional intelligence. You can show that you’re capable of building valuable relationships by discussing presentations you’ve done, academic and networking clubs you belong to and any other experiences you’ve had where a connection was made.

  3. Creative problem solving

    One of the main factors involved in the field of biotechnology is decision-making. Can you apply problem solving techniques and lateral thinking to execute complete projects? Showcase any experience you’ve had in which you were able to anticipate a problem before it occurred and provide an innovative solution.

  4. Industry trend awareness

    You need to possess an up-to-date awareness of everything that is going on in the biotech field. Without trend awareness you will not be able to evolve with the technological advances in the industry. On your resume, highlight a project that shows how you were able to evolve and make financial projections and predict trends that affected an organization or project’s bottom line.

  5. Understanding the law and regulations

    When working in biotech you need to be familiar with the legal and regulatory matters that surround the industry. You will be working with scientific data, so you need to demonstrate that you are well-versed in compliance and intellectual property laws. Your resume should exhibit your ability to protect the IP of your work.

It’s important to remember that no matter what job you are applying for, you are not the only candidate. The only way to set yourself apart from the many other aspiring biotech professionals is to demonstrate your transferable skills like those mentioned in the five resume essentials above.

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